Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So here is it, a topic i wanted to blog for a long time, the most over used word in 2008, KELING!
Let me tell you in advance that I'm not talking ill of any race or religion, if you choose to believe otherwise that ain't my problem!

First question to my fellow indians, are we so great ourselves that we are allowed to get pissed when someone uses the word 'Keling' towards Indians? I wonder how many Indians and non Indians truly know what does the word 'Keling' means and why we get so worked up about it. Fellow Indians, are we trying to justify that we should not be refer to as 'Kelings' when we ourselves have many creative words for our fellow non Indians? How many of you have called a Chinese as ' China Pandi', how many have you made fun of Singhs? How many of you made fun of Malays? How many of you thought Orang Asli are jungle people and pretend that we are much better? Except for Gandhi, we as normal human beings would have 'kutuk' someone else from another race so why get all worked up when someone refer to us as Kelings? Isn't just a word? A word that should have died off long time ago?
So here we are, referring to each another with many provoking names and we say we are better than others. When will these end? Who really cares what colour we are, ain't what's inside matters the most? Why let ourselves be provoked? Stop insulting others and people will stop insulting us, as simple as that but surely hard to practice, why you may ask, cause we are stupid, we created rules that makes no sense, beliefs that we ourselves don't believe in. 

Anyways, last post for 2008, kinda proud of myself. This blog lasted longer than i expected! Happy New Year guys, maybe 2009 be free of all name callings! Partner, totally proud of you for saying Tak Nak this year! Pray there will be more Tak Nak's in 2009! Cheers....

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