Thursday, February 21, 2008

What Shall I Write?

I spent the whole day doing nothing too great and to entertain myself,i'm writing these...ain't that fun? Well, lets just say i have had a great interest in politics recently,who doesn't right?so i have read,watched and cursed many things but i started to ask myself,what can i do?what can i do that will change the way people think or act? Honestly,i am still wondering what i can do whereby a mega and drastic changes will take place..i guess for now i'll do more of the thinking and less talking!oh yeah,i know pictures will make my blog more interesting but as i mentioned earlier,Buta IT kid haven't figured that out yet so hopefully to redeem my pride,i'll figure that out soon!Well,gonna go back to reading my book cause honestly i'm starting to bore myself!wonder if anyone really reading this and cursing the shit out of me!Bless me GOD for i suck at blogging!
Book i just finished reading - The Kite Runner
Book i'm reading now - A Thousand Splendid Suns
Both written by Khaled Hosseini
It's really interesting,makes you to wonder what u have and what you can lose in matters of second!Appreciate everything cause you'll never know when you will lose it...GOD bless Malaysia!PEACE

Yes,I Have Started A Blog!

Ok, finally i did it..i started a blog, why did i? I let you know once i'm sober but i doubt i will ever be! The reaction i get when i tell someone that i DON'T have a blog is like telling someone there is no world,i get the same reaction when i tell them that i don't have a passport and i never flew in my life! Anyhow,i have flew before..the wonder of ice,ice baby(if you know what i mean)..for now,i'm gonna use this blog to just say what i think regardless of what someone or anyone gonna think,after all we malaysian's,especially indians have our rights to speak up,right??ehem..ehem...i'm sure im gonna get hits like crazy,you wonder why?ISA a threat,don't you see?anyhow...let me tell you at i suck when it comes to internet and computers(Buta IT) but i will try my best to satisfy myself and hoping i will be smarter in future,how am i suppose to bring a child to this world if i know nuts about computers,poor little child..what were the parents thinking...ok,i'm going to bed..i don't know whether i will ever blog again and if i don't...atleast i tried,now i can say..I  HAVE/HAD A BLOG!!!
I pity those who are actually reading i said...i'm speaking my mind,not yours!Got something bad to say about me,start a blog and bitch about something nice to say about me...what a little darling of a friend i found on world wide web!