Friday, April 11, 2008

Finally some truth!

Ok,i haven't blogged for a long time..that doesn't mean i've been sober..what kind of life would that be(i don't know and i don't wanna know!) The reason i'm writing today aka blogging, i found a great blog, he honestly tells the truth,and i'm pretty sure there were some people who had "good" things to say about his blog but if you ask me (like anyone cares what i think) not only his blog is funny but he kinda speaks what he thinks!oh..before everyone LB advertising for him,is he paying her?oh no..she's pregnant with his kid!!!nop..none of the above..i really like his blog and i'm not getting paid in any manner to write this post and i don't even get many hits(I doubt anyone reading my blog)!ok...i haven't haven't had a decent drink today(a cold beer) therefore my brain is shutting down but before that happens and if anyone reading my blog except for my gf and few stalker,i honestly suggest that you pay a visit to his blog!


Anonymous said...


It's I've send you a message.

Reform NLFCS said...
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