Saturday, April 26, 2008

In Tribute to Spy

Today, i lost my dearest friend..when i wake up in the morning,he's the first thing i see and when i go to bed, especially when im super drunk, he never fails to entertain me. One year and three months, my beloved pet tarantula passed on.
Ok, here's the hardest friend(justin) gave Spy to me as a christmas gift long time ago so somehow im on a mission to get him drunk(that will be extremely hard) and break the news to him.
Recently, i came across people who blame others for even deaths of human beings! Someone dies and someone else gets blame, even it happens to be an old person...130 years old...the death still will be someone's fault! Will i get blamed for Spy's death?
Anyhow, Spy is buried and resting in peace...not sure if i wanna replace it but now that i am sitting in my room, i can't help but to feel lonely..

Rest in Peace SPY!i will always love you...

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